Summer Chili

I believe that Chili is an important part of one’s culinary repertoire. Just about everyone has their own special recipe or method when it comes to chili. My boyfriend and I have an on going dispute about exactly who came up with the idea to add canned pumpkin to our winter chili recipe. He claims the pumpkin was his brilliant idea whereas I know that I am the genius behind this one.
I’m not going to share our usual chili recipe now. I’ll save that for a cold, gray Cleveland winter’s day. Today I want to share our lighter, fresher version, Summer Chili. The beauty of all chili recipes is that the ingredients are flexible. The types of peppers or beans can vary depending on what is most handy in the cupboard or garden. I doubt that I’ve ever made the same chili twice and all measurements are approximate.

Summer Chili

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