Cookie Experiment 1: Carob Chip Cookies with Agave Nectar

Today marks ClevelandWhiteout’s first baking experiment. I’ve never been much of a baker. Before I began my Whiteout adventure most of my baking started with a box. Don’t get me wrong. I attempted occasional feats of baking from scratch with moderate success. So I felt confident that with the right recipe I could come up with some healthy and yummy cookies to share with friends at our weekly potluck. At first I wanted to make these cookies. I will make them, hopefully for Cookie Experiment 2, but not today. Some of tonight’s dinner companions are not fans of coconut so I had to come up with another dessert that would utilize a healthy and natural sweetener. Agave nectar is my newest Whiteout discovery. I learned about agave nectar from my favorite healthy cooking website 101 Cookbooks. I highly recommend you take a look at Ms. Swanson’s site, especially the section titled “Build a Natural Foods Pantry”. There is a wealth of information about healthy and natural sweeteners, fats, grains and great foods in general. In fact, Swanson’s cookbook, Super Natural Cooking is on my wish list. I’ll be sure to post a review here when I get my hands on it.

Carob Chip Cookie Dough

Carob Chip Cookie Dough

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